Terms & Conditions

Retainer Agreement Terms

1. Definitions and Interpretation

The definitions used apply as outlined in the original terms and are adjusted for this Agreement.

2. Retainer-Based Agreement

This Agreement operates on a retainer model, where Inbound Law Firm Marketing Ltd, trading as Solicitors Online Marketing (SOM), provides ongoing services for a fixed monthly fee. The services are determined during a discovery and onboarding process, with specific details agreed upon in written correspondence.

3. Services Provided

Services include, but are not limited to:

  • Website Design & Development
  • LinkedIn Profile Management
  • Search Ads Management
  • Social Media Ads Management
  • Search Engine Optimisation

Other agreed-upon services based on the Client’s needs.

4. Retainer Fee

The monthly retainer fee is payable in advance, covering all agreed services. Additional services outside the agreed scope may incur extra charges, which will be confirmed in writing.

5. Term & Renewal

The Agreement begins on the specified start date and lasts for a 12-month term. Upon completion of the initial term, it will automatically renew for another 12-month period unless either party provides written notice 60 days prior to the renewal date.

6. Scope of Work

The services provided under the retainer are mutually agreed upon during onboarding. Any additional work outside the agreed scope may require further approval and additional fees.

7. Client Responsibilities

The Client must provide all necessary information, approvals, and access to ensure smooth service delivery. This includes access to relevant platforms, accounts, or content as needed.

8. Intellectual Property

All intellectual property created during the Agreement remains with Inbound Law Firm Marketing Ltd until all fees are paid in full. Once payments are settled, ownership of any work created for the Client will transfer to them.

9. Termination

Either party may terminate the Agreement by providing 60 days' written notice. Early termination by the Client will result in fees for the remaining term. Immediate termination incurs a charge for the balance of the 12-month period.

10. Indemnities

The Client indemnifies Inbound Law Firm Marketing Ltd against any third-party claims, damages, or liabilities that arise due to breaches of this Agreement, especially relating to intellectual property.

11. Liability

The liability of Inbound Law Firm Marketing Ltd (TM) is limited to the total fees paid under the Agreement. It does not cover indirect or consequential losses or third-party claims.

12. Confidentiality

Both parties agree to treat all confidential information exchanged as private and not disclose it to any third party without written consent.

13. Miscellaneous

This Agreement is governed by English law, with jurisdiction belonging to the English courts. Notices must be delivered to the addresses or emails provided during onboarding.